Sunday, 26 July 2009


When i read the brief i knew that i would struggle coming up with a concept and narrative, im not very good being left to do my own thing as there is a lack of structure for me to follow. Naturally the first thing that i thought about was the things that i am interested in, being the mod scene and britain and all that lark. This feels like a too obvious choice for an fmp though, i've done alot of work and things based on this anyway so that choice has gone out of the window.
I rewatched the classic film "The warriors" over this gap in the holiday aswell, and i realised how obsessed i used to be. I had also stumbled across some work on a blog in which the person had the idea of making novel versions of famous films and i just noticed that the warriors is actually one of them.

Anyway, I think i've found the idea that i want to stick with, so here it is.

a_ The concept is "family life" and what its like for me living at home, being around my family. Looking into my home and its furnishings and the personality of my siblings.

b_ I was looking around for inspiration for things to base my fmp on, considering i dont really lead an interesting life and i havent really been out and about all that much i hadnt saw anything that caught my eye. The internet wasnt really throwing up much either. This idea just came to me as i was lounging around my parents hench new caravan with them.

c_ I want to make a sort of little zine that illustrates all the aspects that i've said in the above. I intend to use different media like have set photography pages and then graphic representation pages. I want to make a little video to go alongside it, im thinking of something quite simple like having recordings from my everyday life around my house and chopping them up quickly so it sort of flickers.

An idea i had for my final end of year show piece was to make a sort of mock set, like a living room. Having an armchair and a lamshade and other such furnishings. I want to have an oldish 90s style tv with my animation playing looped on it. and i want some picture frames for the wall in which i will put some of the artwork from my zine inside.

d_ Everything that is put into the zine/animation will all be either photographed, made or drawn by me. I want it to look really "homey" looking. The spreads will most likely be made/edited in illustrator and photoshop and then finalised in in-design. I will want to print a few of these zines properly on a press so it has that proper finished feel and look to it. At the moment im unsure how i want the animation to look. Im pretty sure that its going to be recordings and then made and edited in after effects.

e_ Im unsure about the costings at the moment, i needto see how much having a little zine printed would cost me. All the artwork and creating of the work will obviously be done by me so thats free. For my end of year show idea i really dont think it will cost all that much, I should be able to pick up the pieces that i want relitively cheap, I dont want brand new modern looking things for this as it wont go with the look that i am going for, I will be looking around on ebay and charity shops for certain things and probably be able to borrow the rest from home.

f_ I think that this is a worthy concept as it is something that is relitive and meaningfull to me and I will be able to meaning behind the pieces. It is a route that i wouldnt usually go down and i think it will hold new challenges for me to create appropriate artwork. I dont think it is something that alot of people will think about and will come out uniquely interesting.

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