Thursday, 22 October 2009


Sequence of events throughout the lesson.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Monday, 19 October 2009


Got given this brief earlier to create some idents for a "local business" As I am already in contact with the owner of Urban Village I decided to choose them. A few things have been floating around my head and I'm thinking..
I want some really well framed filmed shots of various cool little things from the shop.

1_ Time lapse of the owner Frankie stood in the middle of the shop still looking at the camera, obviously people would be walking past and movement in the background. This would be shot for a while, then sped up and condensed down into the 10 seconds.

2_ Get a framed close up shot from the floor of the bottom back half of one of the Urban Village
scooters. Due to the close frame the only thing i want to show is the feet of the person and then kickstarting the scooter. Would keep the natural sound of the video, dont want to tamper with the scooter sound.

3_ Take a shot of one of the clothes racks and have someone flick
ing through the clothes if thats how you would describe it.

4_ As the shop sells retro goodies i want to do a set of some with some of the old toys that he has, all of them really simple, still framed camera and have the little battery powered toys set off and just let them do their own thing. If they go out the frame, thats going to be the beauty of it. I want it all very realistic and subtle.

5_ There are also alot of different lights and lamps within the shop so i was thinking of doing some that maybe the light was responsive to an audio track or sound that i put on it. Try and film some of these in a darkened room.

I want all these to be very simple videos and then have the tag animate somewhere on the screen (bottom left) really subtly. the tags will all be the same on each of the idents.

Friday, 16 October 2009


The meeting for the live brief got cancelled so i stayed around and starting messing with my reform item in photo shop here are some of the things i came up with.

Also blogger, stop bloody center aligning and putting underscores on my type.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Just putting these up so i can always access or look back on them if needs be.

For some unknown reason, they have all uploaded in odd colours.. Not quite sure how to fix this.


We were set to design 30 a4 pages which we are then going to create into a flip book. I wanted to create something hand drawn but that represents me and what im into.

Upon watching "The Jam - Absolute Beginners" there is a a section where Paul Weller is singing while the camera pans around him and it caught my eye, so i wanted to do something with that. I wanted it to look hand rendered but not too jerky and each frame different, so i used my moniter as a light box, and hand drew each possible frame onto layout pad paper. I haven't quite done every frame so far but this is what its going to look like.

The general idea for the 30 pages is to have his face spinning and singing whilst in the background red and blue arrows come from left to right to create stripes in the background which will eventually thin out back to white.


The item that i chose for this project was a hot glue gun. Something that i have used many a time for fixing things. I like the general shape of it and i think it will be pretty interesting to draw.

and here are the 3 point of view pencil and black ink drawings.

I am working with Mario on this project, and these are some of his drawings that i have been given.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Dr Jimmy

Heres another pop at the album art idea but this time making The Who - Quadrophenia. Tried keeping this simple i want it to style have that psyche font but i want it to look more like a big logo on the front.

This was the initial idea that i had, the font style is quite groovy and buldges out on the points, I wanted to use this alongside the the slim but tall quite serious font so it gives it contrast and isnt just one dimentional. The pertruding lines were an idea i had to make a sort of union jack style background, as alot of the who branding does. Im not too sure about this though.

Computerised version!

Fresh start

I have decided against my first idea and came up with a new and possibly better idea. 

The idea is basically to make my own set of album art and film posters using the 60s psyche inspired style, the full write up will come later. For now here is a few ideas that i have knocked up for one of my old favourite bands "The Cribs"

I wanted to think of an original idea for the front cover of the album that didnt represent the original artwork at all, My initial ideas are all sketched out trying to find out what ideas will come out best. Above was an idea for the disk cover, the mouth is to represent the lead singer of the cribs Ryan Jarman as he was noutorious for splitting his lips mid-set and his face and clothes being covered in blood. Tried to get that sort of psyche style by making it abit OTT and not really that realistic and adding the shouty waves radiating from around it.

I took the first idea and using inspiration from some of the 60s psyche gig posters i created this. There is alot of use of wavy odd lines running throughout it. To make the band name and album title fit in without losing the look i fit the lettering into some of the shaped lines i drew in which i think it turned out pretty well. The type is all hand drawn using the groovy psyche style fonts that i have been looking at.I want my work to looking true in the psyche style, but i want to experiment with it aswell so i took to hand drawing the face of the singer, I intend to use this delicate but messy scribbled face onto some solid block colour to get a contrast in look and texture. Some of the drawing didnt turn out so well so i intend to edit bits out when i get round to using it in the computer stages.

Some more ideas to fit alongside the face idea previously. As the character is smoking a cigarette I thought it might be a good idea to use the patterns and type coming out the end of the cigarrette like smoke. Another way i can put in the bands name and album title. The image on the left is also another disk pattern idea. The band hail from Wakefield in which they are pretty proud of and alot of the time the come out to a crowd chanting "Wakefield, wakefield.." so i tried a spiral effect using this chanting coming from small to large. Could do with re-drawing this, some letters dont really look right.

Theres more to come yet, this is just a base idea.